Book Quote - SG Suicide Game - Basic Needs This quote is from “SG Suicide Game” by Haidji
It's an alternate history in which a genocide doesn't happen. It's about a utopian society that isn't so cleverly set up as t...
Read by candlelight or flashlight: Magical Realism: Witches: The Witch's Daughter Genre: Horror: Black Cat: Diverse Authors ...
Blood Lines is yet another great book in my favourite crime series.What an intense start to this book. I couldn’t turn the pa...
In order to succeed in the world it was necessary to be brutal, selfish and unfeeling: to push others aside and to take advan...
I'm not finding this that great to be honest. It's hard to connect with Christopher and I'm finding the sparseness of the pro...
I've been meaning to read this for ages and finally got round to starting it. Dolores is so funny, she's really making the bo...
Yep, I think I'm good for a while now. Maybe forever.